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Hugo Ribeiro
Jun 28, 2024
In Apps & Templates
Hi guys, Im trying to implement the pdf generator but in the final part that im doing its becaming a nightmare i have 2 repeaters that need to be displayed but it dont do it on the pdf here is the code please help: This one shows the code function This one shows the pdf in blank import { session } from 'wix-storage'; import wixData from 'wix-data'; $w.onReady(function () { // Retrieve `queryResults` from session storage let queryResults2 = JSON.parse(session.getItem('queryResults')); console.log("Data on Session", queryResults2); // Preprocess data to remove repetitions and handle undefined values let uniqueMesRelatorio = Array.from(new Set( => item.mesRelatorio))).filter(Boolean); let uniqueAnoRelatorio = Array.from(new Set( => item.anoRelatorio))).filter(Boolean); // Set the values of input1 and input2 with the unique and non-undefined values $w('#input1').value = uniqueMesRelatorio.join(', '); // Join if there are multiple values console.log("Mes de relatorio", uniqueMesRelatorio); $w('#input2').value = uniqueAnoRelatorio.join(', '); // Join if there are multiple values console.log("Ano de relatorio", uniqueAnoRelatorio); }); function search() { // Getting input values let mes = $w('#input1').value; let ano = $w('#input2').value; // Helper function to get unique items by a key function getUniqueItems(items, key) { const uniqueKeys = new Set(); return items.filter(item => { const isNew = !uniqueKeys.has(item[key]); if (isNew) { uniqueKeys.add(item[key]); } return isNew; }); } // Creating the query let query = wixData.query("PdfData") .eq("mesRelatorio", mes) .and(wixData.query("PdfData").eq("anoRelatorio", ano)); // Executing the query query.find() .then(results => { if (results.items.length > 0) { // Getting IDs of items found let itemIds = => item._id); // Filtering the datasetPdfData to match the found IDs return $w('#datasetPdfData').setFilter(wixData.filter().hasSome("_id", itemIds)) .then(() => $w('#datasetPdfData').refresh()) .then(() => results.items); } else { console.log("No results found"); // Clearing repeater data $w('#rptViewDados').data = []; $w('#rptPresentation').data = []; return Promise.reject("No results found"); } }) .then(items => { // Getting unique items for rptPresentation let uniqueItems = getUniqueItems(items, 'yourUniqueKey'); // replace 'yourUniqueKey' with the actual key // Setting the repeater data to show filtered results $w('#rptViewDados').data = items; $w('#rptPresentation').data = uniqueItems.slice(0, 1); // Display only 1 unique item }) .catch(err => { console.error("Query or data fetch failed", err); }); } export function input2_change(event) { search() } export function input1_change(event) { search() }

Hugo Ribeiro

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